Friday, February 25, 2011

HALL OF HORROR: The Axeman of the New Orleans

One unknown serial killer was feared for a very long time in the New Orleans. The Axeman of the New Orleans was a mysterious figure that would expertly break into a house and brutally murder the occupants with an axe that would be left by the back door when the killer left. The first kill was in 1918 and the victims were a man and his wife by the name of Joseph and Cathrine Maggio. The Maggios lived with Joseph’s two brothers Jake and Andrew. Jake was the first one to awake and realize there was something wrong. He heard groaning coming from his brother, Joseph’s, room next door. He went to wake Andrew up and the two of them went to investigate Joseph and Cathrine’s room together. They found a horrible sight. Joseph and Cathrine lay on their bed, lying in pools of blood. Joseph was barely alive when Jake and Andrew entered. But he soon died before the ambulance could even get to his house. The police found a bloody axe in the bathroom tub and a chisel on top of a wood panel that had been removed by the tool. Years earlier the same event occurred. People suspected the Mafia had committed the crimes because all the people who had been killer were Italian. Little did they know it was the works of a serial killer.
The next victims were Louis Besumer and his mistress. A bread deliverer had been bringing bread to the grocer, who was a native of Poland, when he noticed that the store wasn’t open. That was unusual since the man would wake up early to wait for his bread. The deliverer went around the house to check on Louis and he found a horrific sight. Besumer had had blood dripping down his face and he barely managed to tell the young man to look in his bedroom. His mistress, Anna Harriett, was lying on the bed in a pool of blood. She had been struck in the head and there were bloody footprints leading from the bed. Besumer had told the man, Zanca, that he wanted him to call his personal physician instead of the police, but Zanca went against his will and called the police anyways. Anna and Besumer were taken to the hospital. A hatchet was found in the metal tub and a panel in the back door had been chiseled off. Before Anna died, she told many stories one story was that Besumer was the murderer. That was when the theory was dropped that it had been the Mafia, because Besumer had not been Italian. When Anna died, Besumer was arrested for murder, but he was soon acquitted because it was soon clear that he was not the Axeman.

The Axeman waited a period of two months before he started to kill again. His next victim was a pregnant woman who survived because her husband got home and got her to the hospital before she could die. She gave birth a week later to a healthy baby girl. 

Following this attack, the Axeman mailed a letter to the authorities, mimicking Jack the Ripper’s lead. In the letter he promised at 12:15 AM on a Tuesday he would hunt again. However, he promised that if people were playing jazz music, no one would be hurt. So that night everyone had jazz music playing and no one was killed. Soon the killings stopped and the killer seemed to disappear.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HALL OF HORROR: Elizabeth Bathory

One serial killer caught in the act in 1590 was Countess Elizabeth Bathory, also known as The Bloody Countess. She would recruit women and young girls to her castle under the ruse of giving them a job. But in reality, what she was going to give them was something even worse. She would give them as reason to cry for help. She would torture her prisoners with numerous devices that she had learned about from her husband, Ferenc Nadsady. A group of men were the first male outsiders that adventured into the castle, and they were on the hunt for Elizabeth. When they first entered they heard a moan back in the entrance hall. They followed the moan and came to a girl who was barely alive. The girl had been punctured in places and was suffering from massive blood loss. They knew she would not survive getting to the town to a doctor, so they left her to die. They found two other girls, but they had died long before they had got there. One girl was pale and had been drained of blood, just as the rumors had said. Another body was found chained to a pillar and was in the process of decaying. She looked as if she had been whipped and beaten, which was another way that Elizabeth would torture the girls. 

When the supply of servant girls had run out, Elizabeth started to bring in lesser aristocrats. Elizabeth loved her torturous ways, and when she got sick she would make sure that the girls were stilled tortured. She would have them brought to her room and she would bite and slap them. At times she would bite them to death then have her male servants consume their flesh. She was bloodthirsty and would cut the girls is many ways. Most were punctured with needles and scissors, or burned with read hot irons, or had their skin ripped open by sheers and fingers cut off. She particularly enjoyed slitting the girls skin between their fingers. She beat the girls till the turned black and blue, and then continued. One girl was beaten two hundred times before she finally died. A few girls had been shoved into tiny cages full of spikes. 

It’s been said that she would bathe in her victims’ blood to stay young forever and though it was never proven true some did believed that she butchered her victims for her beauty treatments. A story stated that one day she had been getting ready and one of her maids saw something wrong with her headdress and she was beaten for noticing it. She was hit in the head so hard that blood came out her nose and splattered all over Elizabeth’s face. When she washed it off, Elizabeth noticed that where the blood had hit her face her skin was fairer and clearer than it had been before the blood had hit her. It wasn’t so much as to stay young forever, but to look young forever. She had been beautiful and her yearn to stay beautiful had been one of the reasons she had reverted to killing and draining her victims of blood. She was sentenced to life in prison, in a small part of her castle, and she died soon afterwards.

The next entry will be. . . . . THE AXEMAN OF THE NEW ORLEANS!") Check back for him
<3 Kalyn