Monday, January 16, 2012


Some of you may have seen the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I have to admit: I don't watch gory horror movies. I watch supernatural horror movies, with ghosts and all that. I don't really like the gory stuff. Funny, since I read about it and write about it. Lol. Now, where was I?? Oh yeah, Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That movie was based on the serial killer Eddie Gein.
Eddie Gein's childhood was empty, as his mother was stiffly religious and would not allow him to make any friends. His mother would often verbally abuse him, convinced that her children, Eddie and his older brother Henry, would go to Hell. In 1944 Eddie's brother, Henry, died under mysterious circumstances. While Eddie and Henry had been fighting a fire that was getting close to the farm that they lived on, Eddie supposedly lost sight of Henry. When the fire was out, he worried about not being able to find his brother. He called the police. The police arrived at the farm with a search party all ready, only to have Eddie lead them straight to Henry's dead body. His body was found in an area that had not been touched by the fire, and he had bruises on his head. Foul play was dismissed, as they strongly doubted that Eddie Gein, and shy lonely young man, had killed his brother. His mother died a year later, and Eddie was truly alone.
He sectioned off all the rooms that his mother spent the most time in, and he began to spend most of his time reading adventure stories and studying the human anatomy in the kitchen and a little bedroom that he had left for himself. He would also read the newspaper, of which his favorite part were the obituaries. His brother had never been in contact with the opposite sex, so he would often spend time with the dead bodies of women that he would exhume. He would wear their skin like clothes, as he often wondered what it would be like to be a woman. He kept body parts and heads in his room, and he would willingly show the people of the town his collection. They did not believe that they were real, however, and they would often joke about it with him. It wasn't until a local woman disappeared that they finally started to suspect him. Over several years up to four people disappeared without a trace. the police were finally led to Eddie Gein's house when a local woman, Bernice Worden, disappeared and her headless body was discovered at Eddie Gein's house.
He admitted to the murder of the local woman and of the other people that had disappeared after long hours of interrogation. He was deemed insane at the time of the murders, so he was acquitted at his trial and he was sent to an insane asylum. He died in 1984 and was buried next to his mother.

Eddie Gein was pretty creepy, but not as creepy as other serial killers. Thanx for reading:D I know it's been a long time since I was on, but I saw that some people had left me comments and I won't deny it. I was flattered that people actually read them:) it made me want to get up and start updating again:D That, and the fact that I'm staying home sick from school -.- Like I said, thanx for reading:D I'll try my best to get back with another Hall of Horror soon.
<3 Kalyn :D

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