Friday, August 5, 2011

On All Fours

A new book that I am working on is called On All Fours. What gave me the idea to write it came from my English teacher. He had read my story Owl(now rewritten) and he told me of Navajo Skinwalkers. Don't bother looking them up, I'll do that for you;D It's about the two girls from Owl and Crow(which might also need to be rewritten). Their souls are still stuck on Earth and they have to figure out why they are still there and what they have to do to get to the 'other side'. It's a paranormal horror story:) I'll get back to you soon!!
<3 Kalyn
P.S. This is the little cover I made for myself. It has the name of my account on inkpop. I encourage all inspiring writers to check out that website:) 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Behind the Scalpel

Here is a sneak peak into one of the version of the beginning of Behind the Scalpel. I haven't decided yet, but I think this one might be a keeper. What do you think?

One – Heather

            This new chapter of my life began in a hospital, and now it’s ending in one.

I was a normal girl. Once. I worried about boys. I worried about being popular. I wore make-up. The entire regular teenage girl worries. But that’s in the past now, all of them. Hallelujah. It takes time to realize how pointless teenage life really is. You usually realize it in your mid-twenties. Me? I learned it at age fifteen. I didn’t suddenly age. I didn’t get smart and go to college. I didn’t do anything, really. All I did was get injected.
-       Gwendolyn

Gwen was right, of course. Teenage years are unimportant. Slow. Painful even. But the two week or so that I lived it, I grew to like it. Almost. That’s what I would say if I gave a damn about anything. Which, I don’t. I’m what you would call a sociopath. I feel nothing. I could push you down the stairs and feel nothing. I could burn you alive and wouldn’t feel a thing. I could kill you and not feel any guilt.
You want to know how I’m so sure? ‘Cause I have killed, a lot, and I don’t feel bad about it one bit. In fact, I would go in if I could. But I can’t. ‘Cause I’m dead.
Now arises a new subject. If I’m dead, how can I be telling you these things? Fifteen is kind of young to die, but my life was good. I’m not sure how Gwen’s was, but my month or so was nice. I sigh, and my chest hurts. Am I alive? I try moving, but my whole body hurts. I lay in silence and take small pleasure in the aches that I get from my tiny breaths. One question has been answered. Yes, I am alive. Question number two. Why am I alive? Or, better yet. How am I alive?
The last thing I remember was being shot in the head and the heart. Any normal person would be dead. Ha! I make myself laugh. I’m not a normal person. I’m far from normal.
            I was created to join with the body of a soldier and help him fight mercilessly and without hesitation or guilt. With my help they would be strong, fearless, and bloodthirsty. I came with a default or two as well. When I say bloodthirsty, I mean thirst for blood and hunger for flesh. In one word: cannibal. It’s a small speck on a flawless record, though. The soldiers will be experts in martial arts and with weapons, and it’s harder to kill them. Why, you may ask. Because once they are injected with Project Defeat another brain and heart forms where the injection happened.
So, in other words, Gwen has two hearts. One of them is hers and the other one is mine. My heart is in her neck, where I was injected into her system. It doesn’t stick out, though, so no one could know. At the moment my heart was trying to pump blood into Gwen’s lifeless body while her own heart is trying to heal itself. The shot to the heart was solved, but I’m not sure how her brain will heal. The worse case is that she’s brain dead and I get to control her. The best is she just can’t remember.
Gwen. She’s a nice girl. She’s pretty street smart, and book smart too. People would probably think that I’m influencing her, but I’m not. She’s come up with most of the things we h ad done. She was just a killer waiting to happen. I just helped her realize her destiny. I pushed her over the edge just a little bit. And she finally realized how fun it could be. She didn’t really even go into denial. She’s strong, and it’s a relief. No fighting or demands or threats. It was easy-peasy-lemon-squezey.
            I feel a smile try to form, but it hurts too much. Or should I say it hurts too good? After all, it does mean that I’m alive. You never realize how hard narrating is until you just slipped out of a coma.

TWO - Heather      

I could feel my heart slowing down a bit, which means Gwendolyn’s body is close to having enough blood. I can still feel hear heart pumping a mile a minute, but the blood I supplied it with is helping it greatly. I still decide to wait a bit; I don’t want to be off my guard because I haven’t fully healed. Gwen’s heart is slowing down minute-by-minute now, and I didn’t feel as light headed as before. I still wait a while and then I finally dare a big breath. I breathe in deeply, and let it out slowly. When that felt fine, I decided to dare something else.  I tried breathing in fast and breathing out fast. I still felt a little pain, but I was defiantly feeling better. 

Tell me what you think!:)
<3 Kalyn

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


H.H. Holmes was born as Herman Webster Mudgett in 1861. He was soon labeled "The Beast of Chicago" as he had mostly killed the people that lived in the city. He would kill them in his hotel appropriately labeled The Murder Castle. When he was younger he was pinned as a very intelligent boy with an interest in medicine. He soon started to preform surgeries on animals, and some accounts state that he might have been liable in the death of a friend. When he moved to Chicago, in 1886, he soon found a job at a pharmacy under the now well-known name H.H. Holmes. He soon took over the business and they first owner mysteriously disappeared. Holmes soon had a three-story hotel, and designed it to be a house of horrors. On the upper floors was his living quarters and a variety of rooms that he used to kill and torture his victims. He would often asphyxiate his 'guests'. He had a variety of trapdoors and chutes made so her could dispose of his freshly killed victim. The door and chutes led to his basement where he would burn his victims bodies and/or dispose of them in other ways. Sometimes Holmes would strip the bones of flesh and sell them to medical colleges.
He had a habit of seducing women to eventually slaughter them. He was engaged many times, only to have his fiances suddenly 'vanish'. He continued to scam others, but when he made an alliance with Benjamin Pitezel he had ensured his downfall. The two were soon caught and thrown in a Texas jail. There, they brought someone else into the scheme that they had been working on. But when Holmes did not fulfill his side of the deal, Marion Hedgepeth tipped off the cops. Unfortunately, Hedgepeth only knew Holmes and H.M. Howard. It took a while for the police to finally affiliate Howard to Holmes, but they didn't make the connection on time to save the Pitezel family. He killed Benjamin first, and then convinced the wife that her husband was still alive. He was afraid that the Pitezel children would give him away, he took three of the five children and killed them.
When Holmes was arrested they first accused him of fraud. But soon they also accused him of killing Pitezel. While in captivity, Holmes told numerous accounts of his misdeeds, once admitting that he had killed 27 people. It is still undecided whether he killed between 20 or 100 people, but even with those numbers he was still the most notorious serial killers, even surpassing the ones to come. He was hanged on May 7th, 1896 for the Pitezel murder in Philadelphia.

Thanx for the info:D
The next killer will be..... You'll just have to find out! Thanx for reading!
<3 Kalyn

Sunday, June 5, 2011


Okay, I have finally typed up Owl and put it on Inkpop and it is still being approved by Teenink. I will put the link for Inkpop right here:

I'm still working on the Hall Of Horror. I just moved so I don't have all the time in the world, but I'll get right on it. Thanx:D

<3 Kalyn

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hall Of Horror: Information

So, I decided I would make another Hall Of Horror, but it now comes down to this question. Which serial killer should I do? Or maybe, what should I do? Is there something interesting(preferably about death) that anyone would like to know? Until I decide I'm going to make a list of ones that I might go with now and/or later.

H.H. Holmes
Ted Bundy
John Wayne Gacy

Those are the first three I will probably work on, but there are tons of other serial killers. Thanks for reading!!:D
<3 Kalyn

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So, I have actually completely rewrote Owl and have taken it off of Teenink. I just need to type it up and then I will repost it on Teenink. I also have a title for the book I was talking about. It's called On All Fours. Skinwalkers are a BIG part of the book, and there is another word for it(a long word that I cna't remember, but I'll look it up for you) and translated it means, With Them, He Walks On All Fours. It will be epic, and I have actually started working on Behind the Scalpel again. I've been trying different beginnings with it, so it's not really readable yet. I'll tell you when it will be though.

BTW: the next Hall of Horror will be coming up in a few weeks, maybe even a few days, it depends on when I have time to write it. I will announce who it will be about later on. Thanx for reading:)
<3 Kalyn

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I got a few updates for you. I've put Behind the Scalpel on hold for a while because I'm stuck and now I'm going to work on a brand new idea. A BOOK for after Crow and Owl. I'm not sure what the name is going to be yet, but it will be epic. I also added a little bit to Owl, but I haven't typed it up yet so I have to do that, then I will put it up on here. :D Thanx for reading!
<3 Kalyn

Monday, March 14, 2011

HALL OF HORROR: Raya And Sakina

 Sorry, last time I forgot to finish it up with the next person I was going to do this on. So I guess that this will be a surprise.

These partners in crime were the first women to be executed in the “Modern State of Egypt.” Raya and Sakina, as well as their husbands, were tried for the murder of multiple girls and women. Most of the women that had gone missing had been reported wearing gold jewelry and carrying around large sums of money. Each of the victims had last been seen with a woman by the name of Sakina. Though Sakina was brought in and questioned several times, but each time she managed to dodge the law and escape. They killed in the town of Alexandria and most of the bodies were found around the Labban neighborhoods. In the December of 1920 a pedestrian was walking along the road when he discovered human remains. The body was “damaged beyond recognition” and had been completely dismembered. The only recognizable thing was the body’s long hair. Around the same time that December and man was digging in his basement to fix a water pipe when he discovered human remains. He reported it, and the police discovered that Raya and Sakina had been renting houses where a few dead bodies had been found. 

Raya, Sakina, and their husbands were tried for murder, and were sentenced to death. 
 Thanx:) I did a report on the last several serial killers, so I just had to get the info off of the document. The ones after this I'll have to type from scratch. I'll get the rest up soon!:)
The next serial killer you will see here will be Albert Fish. He is ONE scary dude! Thanx for reading!:)
<3 Kalyn

Friday, February 25, 2011

HALL OF HORROR: The Axeman of the New Orleans

One unknown serial killer was feared for a very long time in the New Orleans. The Axeman of the New Orleans was a mysterious figure that would expertly break into a house and brutally murder the occupants with an axe that would be left by the back door when the killer left. The first kill was in 1918 and the victims were a man and his wife by the name of Joseph and Cathrine Maggio. The Maggios lived with Joseph’s two brothers Jake and Andrew. Jake was the first one to awake and realize there was something wrong. He heard groaning coming from his brother, Joseph’s, room next door. He went to wake Andrew up and the two of them went to investigate Joseph and Cathrine’s room together. They found a horrible sight. Joseph and Cathrine lay on their bed, lying in pools of blood. Joseph was barely alive when Jake and Andrew entered. But he soon died before the ambulance could even get to his house. The police found a bloody axe in the bathroom tub and a chisel on top of a wood panel that had been removed by the tool. Years earlier the same event occurred. People suspected the Mafia had committed the crimes because all the people who had been killer were Italian. Little did they know it was the works of a serial killer.
The next victims were Louis Besumer and his mistress. A bread deliverer had been bringing bread to the grocer, who was a native of Poland, when he noticed that the store wasn’t open. That was unusual since the man would wake up early to wait for his bread. The deliverer went around the house to check on Louis and he found a horrific sight. Besumer had had blood dripping down his face and he barely managed to tell the young man to look in his bedroom. His mistress, Anna Harriett, was lying on the bed in a pool of blood. She had been struck in the head and there were bloody footprints leading from the bed. Besumer had told the man, Zanca, that he wanted him to call his personal physician instead of the police, but Zanca went against his will and called the police anyways. Anna and Besumer were taken to the hospital. A hatchet was found in the metal tub and a panel in the back door had been chiseled off. Before Anna died, she told many stories one story was that Besumer was the murderer. That was when the theory was dropped that it had been the Mafia, because Besumer had not been Italian. When Anna died, Besumer was arrested for murder, but he was soon acquitted because it was soon clear that he was not the Axeman.

The Axeman waited a period of two months before he started to kill again. His next victim was a pregnant woman who survived because her husband got home and got her to the hospital before she could die. She gave birth a week later to a healthy baby girl. 

Following this attack, the Axeman mailed a letter to the authorities, mimicking Jack the Ripper’s lead. In the letter he promised at 12:15 AM on a Tuesday he would hunt again. However, he promised that if people were playing jazz music, no one would be hurt. So that night everyone had jazz music playing and no one was killed. Soon the killings stopped and the killer seemed to disappear.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HALL OF HORROR: Elizabeth Bathory

One serial killer caught in the act in 1590 was Countess Elizabeth Bathory, also known as The Bloody Countess. She would recruit women and young girls to her castle under the ruse of giving them a job. But in reality, what she was going to give them was something even worse. She would give them as reason to cry for help. She would torture her prisoners with numerous devices that she had learned about from her husband, Ferenc Nadsady. A group of men were the first male outsiders that adventured into the castle, and they were on the hunt for Elizabeth. When they first entered they heard a moan back in the entrance hall. They followed the moan and came to a girl who was barely alive. The girl had been punctured in places and was suffering from massive blood loss. They knew she would not survive getting to the town to a doctor, so they left her to die. They found two other girls, but they had died long before they had got there. One girl was pale and had been drained of blood, just as the rumors had said. Another body was found chained to a pillar and was in the process of decaying. She looked as if she had been whipped and beaten, which was another way that Elizabeth would torture the girls. 

When the supply of servant girls had run out, Elizabeth started to bring in lesser aristocrats. Elizabeth loved her torturous ways, and when she got sick she would make sure that the girls were stilled tortured. She would have them brought to her room and she would bite and slap them. At times she would bite them to death then have her male servants consume their flesh. She was bloodthirsty and would cut the girls is many ways. Most were punctured with needles and scissors, or burned with read hot irons, or had their skin ripped open by sheers and fingers cut off. She particularly enjoyed slitting the girls skin between their fingers. She beat the girls till the turned black and blue, and then continued. One girl was beaten two hundred times before she finally died. A few girls had been shoved into tiny cages full of spikes. 

It’s been said that she would bathe in her victims’ blood to stay young forever and though it was never proven true some did believed that she butchered her victims for her beauty treatments. A story stated that one day she had been getting ready and one of her maids saw something wrong with her headdress and she was beaten for noticing it. She was hit in the head so hard that blood came out her nose and splattered all over Elizabeth’s face. When she washed it off, Elizabeth noticed that where the blood had hit her face her skin was fairer and clearer than it had been before the blood had hit her. It wasn’t so much as to stay young forever, but to look young forever. She had been beautiful and her yearn to stay beautiful had been one of the reasons she had reverted to killing and draining her victims of blood. She was sentenced to life in prison, in a small part of her castle, and she died soon afterwards.

The next entry will be. . . . . THE AXEMAN OF THE NEW ORLEANS!") Check back for him
<3 Kalyn 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Catching up!

Okay, haven't been on here in a while now, so there are some things I need to catch you up on. 1) The whole weekly serial killer thing is kinda tough, so it's most likely going to be once a month or whenever I can get it up. I will get up Elizabeth Bathory's story soon though, promise. 2) Behind the Needle's name has been changed. The books will go in this order: Behind the Knife, Behind the Scalpel, then Behind the Needle. Behind the Knife is finished and is going through editing process part tres. Behind the Scalpel is slowly getting typed up and it's going good so far. Behind the Needle is just some thoughts thrown together for now. 3) I actually don't have a three, I just realized. Well, I've caught you up and I will get back shortly for Elizabeth. Hope your excited!
<3 Kalyn