Monday, December 6, 2010

Did You Know?

I was looking at the title of Saved by the Bell? and I remembered that some people might not even get it! See, back in the old days(along with the head thing:)) it was hard to tell if some people are dead or not(I'm gonna be going into this a lot more when I do a little blurb about death. I saw this National Geographic thing about it, and I'm going to dumb it down and see if I can find about anything they didn't mention:) It was called National Geographic the Mystery of Death), so they would either bury them or leave them in a morgue type hospital, where they will rest until we're sure they're dead or not. If they were alive man created a device that would tell you that they are alive. Before the bodies are buried they would tie some string around the bodies finger and at the end of the string is a bell. So, if they are still alive they would ring the bell and someone would be there to dig them out. Hence, "Saved by the bell." There is another saying about it, but it's not a joyful. You may or may not of heard it, but it is, "Dead as a ringer." I hope that you know what THAT means, but I'll spell it out for you anyways. "Dead as a ringer," as in they aren't alive and, well, they just have a bell tied around their finger. I didn't want to ruin the Mystery of Death thing, but I'm going to add just a little more to it. Sometimes there was a false alarm because while the body was decaying the bones would shift and if the finger moved the bell would ring. I just thought you ought to know that, just in case you didn't get the title of it. Come back later in the week to see another Hall of Horror entry!
<3 Kalyn

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