Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For Now:)

I have been thinking ever since I put up the last post and I have decided to put up a Hall of Killers. Every week for a while I have decided to do a Hall of Infamy by putting up some info on a serial killer of the week. I will try to get a picture and list some of the victims and how he killed them and when, and hopefully I can get an idea of what to put in the book, if I follow through with that idea. I will try to put this weeks one up tomorrow and I think it's fair that I start with Jack the Ripper. He started the Serial Series and I want to honor him by doing a bit on him. So I will try to get that up tomorrow. At the end of the little rant about Jack I will tell you which serial killer I will do next and I will get that up the next week. I hope i can get some ideas out of this. I think I will talk about the ways to die when you've been convicted too. Like the electric chair and getting your head removed. "Off with his head!" I've always wanted to say that.
<3 Kalyn

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