Saturday, December 4, 2010

Robet the Doll

As you may or not see, I have added a video bar and on it there is a few pictures of a doll. That, ladies and gentlemen, is Robert the Doll. I heard about him a while ago and I think I'm in love with him. I REALLY want to go to Key West, Florida to see him, but I don't really have the money. I just have to hope that I can get enough money together when I'm older to see him. He's a haunted doll, owned by the artist Robert Eugene Otto. When Eugene got the doll, he named it Robert(which is his first name) and went by his middle name, Eugene. Eugene's Nanny gave it to him as a birthday present. His parents would hear Eugene talking to someone in another room, and they just assumed he was talking to the doll. They were confused when they heard a VOICE SPEAK TO HIM BACK. If they heard a crash and they ran into the room, there would most likely be Eugene, telling everybody that Robert had made the mess, not him. When he got older and was married and moved into a house of his own, he brought Robert with him. His wife Anne didn't like the doll, and Robert didn't really like her either. Anne was sick of Robert staring at her, so she would take him up to the attic where he couldn't stare at her. Eugene would come home and notify Anne that Robert was displease. Instead of getting rid of Robert, Eugene just built a little room for him on the top of his house and left Robert there. Kids walking by his house going to and from school said that they say Robert moving up in his room, watching them. When Eugene died, he had locked himself and Robert in the room and he died with Robert in his arms. Eugene was born in 1900 and died in 1974. Anna fled the house, leaving Robert in the attic. Soon a family moved into the house with a little 10 year old girl. She soon found Robert in the attic and he had found someone else to torment. The family quickly moved out. Before Robert was placed in the Key West, Florida Martello Museum, a plumber had gone to the attic to fix a pipe and kept seeing Robert out of the corner of his eye. He was always leaving the house now and again to get tools, and whenever he came back Robert was in a different place. HE saw Robert out of the corner of his eye again, and heard a little boy giggling and the pitter patter of little feet. He turned to see Robert had moved again and he left the house, leaving his tools behind. Robert was finally moved to the Martello Museum and tourists were able to view him. Many people wanted to take his photograph, but they had to ask his permission or he would curse them and their family. At night the staff said they could hear running up and down the hall, and when they looked at him again in the morning he had dirt and dust on the bottom of his feet. Robert even appears to be getting older, just slower than Eugene. He sits in a little chair, in a glass case. He is still in his sailor uniform, hat and all, with a little lion clutched to himself.
"Robert did it. I tell you! Robert did it!"
<3 Kalyn

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