Saturday, December 11, 2010

Behind the Scalpel

Quick update. I'm still feeling sick, but I wanted to tell you about a new update. Instead of being called Behind the Needle, I had some help in deciding to call it Behind the Scalpel. I think this one will be mostly her going in and out of a metal hospital or just a hospital, hence Behind the Scalpel. It was going to be named Behind the Needle because it was GOING to be about Avery Carter, Heather's creator, but I changed it to a sequel instead of a prequel. I think I may have mentioned that already. . .
<3 Kalyn

Monday, December 6, 2010

Did You Know?

I was looking at the title of Saved by the Bell? and I remembered that some people might not even get it! See, back in the old days(along with the head thing:)) it was hard to tell if some people are dead or not(I'm gonna be going into this a lot more when I do a little blurb about death. I saw this National Geographic thing about it, and I'm going to dumb it down and see if I can find about anything they didn't mention:) It was called National Geographic the Mystery of Death), so they would either bury them or leave them in a morgue type hospital, where they will rest until we're sure they're dead or not. If they were alive man created a device that would tell you that they are alive. Before the bodies are buried they would tie some string around the bodies finger and at the end of the string is a bell. So, if they are still alive they would ring the bell and someone would be there to dig them out. Hence, "Saved by the bell." There is another saying about it, but it's not a joyful. You may or may not of heard it, but it is, "Dead as a ringer." I hope that you know what THAT means, but I'll spell it out for you anyways. "Dead as a ringer," as in they aren't alive and, well, they just have a bell tied around their finger. I didn't want to ruin the Mystery of Death thing, but I'm going to add just a little more to it. Sometimes there was a false alarm because while the body was decaying the bones would shift and if the finger moved the bell would ring. I just thought you ought to know that, just in case you didn't get the title of it. Come back later in the week to see another Hall of Horror entry!
<3 Kalyn

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Crow and Owl

I've been looking at all the books I've written, and I realized that I missed something. Or TWO somethings! O.o Crow and Owl are two short stories that I wrote and they are kind of the beginning of a series of short stories that I might write, where the BAD GUY always wins. In Crow, Megan and her sister Miranda are camping to kind of take a break from the outside world and get to know each other again. Miranda decides that they need more firewood, so she leaves Megan at camp telling her to go for help if she wasn't back soon. Miranda is gone long enough for Megan to worry, so she goes out to look for help. Megan tries her best to get to the town that wasn't so far away. She starts trying to find the road, but she's lost and she notices that while she's running through the forest trying to find help that someone is watching her. I'm leaving that one and that, and here is the link on teenink:

Owl is the second short story in "The Bad Guy Always Wins" saga, and it focuses on Miranda. Miranda gets lost while looking for firewood, and when she realizes that the sun has gone down and Megan is probably freaking out, she tried to find her way back. She wasn't as lost as she thought she was, and she found the camp quickly. When she gets back to the camp, it's in ruins and Megan can't be found. Miranda manages to find Megan's footprints and she follows them, hoping to run into Megan. She soon realizes that SHE is being followed too, but at least SHE gets to see her attacker. Megan never saw it coming till the end. Neither Megan or Miranda make it out of the forest, and the forest once again wins! Here is the link on teenink for this short story:

So far there are only two short stories, because these aren't on the top of my list. In fact, they are at the bottom. I have so much more on my plate of stories that I'm working on, so this might not really be looked at again for a while. But I'm proud of these babies:)
<3 Kalyn

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Robet the Doll

As you may or not see, I have added a video bar and on it there is a few pictures of a doll. That, ladies and gentlemen, is Robert the Doll. I heard about him a while ago and I think I'm in love with him. I REALLY want to go to Key West, Florida to see him, but I don't really have the money. I just have to hope that I can get enough money together when I'm older to see him. He's a haunted doll, owned by the artist Robert Eugene Otto. When Eugene got the doll, he named it Robert(which is his first name) and went by his middle name, Eugene. Eugene's Nanny gave it to him as a birthday present. His parents would hear Eugene talking to someone in another room, and they just assumed he was talking to the doll. They were confused when they heard a VOICE SPEAK TO HIM BACK. If they heard a crash and they ran into the room, there would most likely be Eugene, telling everybody that Robert had made the mess, not him. When he got older and was married and moved into a house of his own, he brought Robert with him. His wife Anne didn't like the doll, and Robert didn't really like her either. Anne was sick of Robert staring at her, so she would take him up to the attic where he couldn't stare at her. Eugene would come home and notify Anne that Robert was displease. Instead of getting rid of Robert, Eugene just built a little room for him on the top of his house and left Robert there. Kids walking by his house going to and from school said that they say Robert moving up in his room, watching them. When Eugene died, he had locked himself and Robert in the room and he died with Robert in his arms. Eugene was born in 1900 and died in 1974. Anna fled the house, leaving Robert in the attic. Soon a family moved into the house with a little 10 year old girl. She soon found Robert in the attic and he had found someone else to torment. The family quickly moved out. Before Robert was placed in the Key West, Florida Martello Museum, a plumber had gone to the attic to fix a pipe and kept seeing Robert out of the corner of his eye. He was always leaving the house now and again to get tools, and whenever he came back Robert was in a different place. HE saw Robert out of the corner of his eye again, and heard a little boy giggling and the pitter patter of little feet. He turned to see Robert had moved again and he left the house, leaving his tools behind. Robert was finally moved to the Martello Museum and tourists were able to view him. Many people wanted to take his photograph, but they had to ask his permission or he would curse them and their family. At night the staff said they could hear running up and down the hall, and when they looked at him again in the morning he had dirt and dust on the bottom of his feet. Robert even appears to be getting older, just slower than Eugene. He sits in a little chair, in a glass case. He is still in his sailor uniform, hat and all, with a little lion clutched to himself.
"Robert did it. I tell you! Robert did it!"
<3 Kalyn

Thursday, December 2, 2010

HALL OF HORROR: Jack the Ripper

Back in the 1800's it was Jack Doe, while now it's John Doe. So, when no one knew who was the killer these prostitutes, the named him Jack the Ripper. His first murder was Mary Ann "Polly" Nichols on August 31st, 1888. He was named "Ripper" because all of his victims abdomens were slashed and ripped, some were even missing an organ or two. Annie Chapman's body was found on September 8th, 1888 near the doorway in a backyard on Hanbury Street, Spitalfields. Her throat had been severed by two cuts and her abdomen was completely ripped open. Doctors later realized that her uterus had been removed. His next victims were found only minutes apart. Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddowes were found in two different areas in the city of London. Stride's body was the least mutilated, and some thought that Jack was interrupted while he was killing her. Her throat was slashed but her abdomen had not been touched. Some even doubted that the Ripper had killed her. Eddowes' body was found about an hour after Stride's. Her throat was severed and her abdomen was ripped open by several deep wounds. Her left kidney and a major part of her uterus had been removed. A few witnesses were able to describe a man that was with the victims before they were killed, but none of them matched. His last murder was his most gruesome. Mary Kelly's body was found in a single room in an inn the she lived in on November 9th, 1888. Her throat had been severed all the way down to her spine, and her abdomen had been emptied of all of her organs. Even her heart was missing. Kelly's organs were found all around the room and her heart was the only organ missing from the scene. Her body had been hacked at and her face was missing.
Jack the Ripper sent letters to the press, taunting the police. There were three letter, "Dear Boss" "Saucy Jack" and "From Hell". The "From Hell" letter, though, was most likely NOT from Jack, but from a man only "claiming" to be Jack the Ripper. Most of the words had been misspelled and was sent to George Lusk who was head of the "White Chapel Vigilance Committee" while the rest had been sent been sent to the press. The "Dear Boss" letter was the first letter sent to the press. At first the police thought that the letter was a hoax, but when they found Catherine Eddowes' body with one of the ears severed they looked at it again. In the letter it said that "Jack" had saved some blood from his last victim(Annie Chapman) but it had gone bad so he had to use red ink. "Saucy Jack" was on the back of a postcard and was sent 24 hours after the "double event" of Eddowes and Stride. He stated that "number one squealed a bit" so he couldn't finish. It also mentioned that he didn't get the ears that he had promised to send to the police.
No one had discovered who Jack the Ripper was, so his identity is still a mystery.(i would like to thank wikipedia for giving me the info:))

The next Hall of Infamy killer will be Countess Elizabeth Báthory. Come back for info on her next week!
<3 Kalyn

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

For Now:)

I have been thinking ever since I put up the last post and I have decided to put up a Hall of Killers. Every week for a while I have decided to do a Hall of Infamy by putting up some info on a serial killer of the week. I will try to get a picture and list some of the victims and how he killed them and when, and hopefully I can get an idea of what to put in the book, if I follow through with that idea. I will try to put this weeks one up tomorrow and I think it's fair that I start with Jack the Ripper. He started the Serial Series and I want to honor him by doing a bit on him. So I will try to get that up tomorrow. At the end of the little rant about Jack I will tell you which serial killer I will do next and I will get that up the next week. I hope i can get some ideas out of this. I think I will talk about the ways to die when you've been convicted too. Like the electric chair and getting your head removed. "Off with his head!" I've always wanted to say that.
<3 Kalyn

Behind the Needle (comeing ideas)

so, i've been reading about serial killers(i'm morbid like that:)) and i watched a documentary about death and i came up with an idea. i thought that maybe that i could teach about serial killers and all that in behind the needle, as well as be all gory and stuff. so far she had disemboweled a guy:D it's pretty awesome. i have the beginning of it up on inkpop. here is the link:

so far on there it is a short story, but i have to get 10,000 together to make it a book, so it is staying that way until i have written that many words. so far, it's going good. and i have a LOT of ideas for an "educational" behind the needle. but it might be long. see, i thought that maybe Heather could try all the serial killer methods or something like that, so that people could at least know the methods and how feared they were. There are a lot, but i'm going to just do a few(the more important, and widely known ones. but maybe a few unknown ones too). I can't explain how surprised i was when i learned that a lot of the serial killers were CANNIBALS!! which is exactly what Heather is. To tell the truth, she was gonna start out as a vampire, but i decided that vampires are kind of a thing in the past and i would try something new. And i have, and she's a cannibal. I think i will definitely mention a few cannibals. And with the death thing? See, in the olden days(you know, kind of right after the medieval times. i can't remember what it's called) they would cut off the head of the accused, so a scientist tried something. One of his friends had been convicted of something(i can't remember what, i was fighting with my sister at the time) and instead of defending him, he told him to try something. That something was to BLINK really hard right before his head was severed too see what happened. And after his head was severed, his eyes were still blinking for 11 seconds. I thought it was cool, so i think i might try to throw that in. I'm not sure yet, so i will have too see. But i'm excited. me and my morbid self are having a party because i get to talk about it!! like, be all gory and sad and depressed and bloody and all that. it will be fun. But i might have to make 2 versions. one totally gory and out there, and then one that is not as gory and fit to read. yeah, i have no clue. lol. we'll see. i'm working on it!! maybe i'll get some up soon:)
<3 Kalyn (btw, "Kalyn" is like my first and my middle name squished together. I think i might use that and put it on my books. what is it called?? i'll think of it. just thought i would tell u:))

Monday, November 29, 2010


this is from my old blog, so it's kinda old. bare with me and it will get better and newer. (this is the last of my old posts)
<3 Kalyn

well, haven't been here in a while. back at school and doing pretty good, and got tons of ideas for more books. unfortunatly, i'm stuck with behind the needle so i'm doing something new, and this something new happens to be a new book SERIES! about demons and all that other fun stuff. i'm excited, i'll get the short story up soon. and i just watched the blair witch project, so i've got a great idea for a new book, which is driving me crazy. i can't set the new series aside and start something else! but it also won't get out of my head. i think that i will wait and see if the witch story can get far enough in my mind or if my demon story will get better. if the demon story doesn't get better but the witch one does, i may take a break and work on the witch one(which will probably be just a short story). wish me luck:)

Behind the Knife(if it happens to become a movie)

I moved this from my old blog, so it's kinda old. Just stay with me and keep moving forward and it will get better:)
<3 Kalyn

well, don't laugh, but if behind the knife ends up being a movie, i think i would want lucy hale to play gwen/heather. i saw her in pretty little liars as well as a few other shows and i thought that she might be perfect to play them! well, if it ever becomes a movie and she can look fifteen on the verge of sixteen. . . . well, we'll see when it comes time for it. i do have confidence that the world will be buying it instead of looking it up on the internet like inkpopers do. crossing my fingers. :)

Behind the Knife to Behind the Needle

I moved this from my old blog, so it's kinda old. But stick with me and it will get better!
<3 Kalyn

i have finished behind the knife and i will now be working on behind the needle! i'm so excited. i hope that the end of behind the knife will be something people like. i really need to get it popular on inkpop so i can get it edited. but i am also excited to start working with Avery in behind the needle. i put up the beginging of chapter one of behind the needle on here, so if anyone gets a chance to read it, tell me what you think so tat i know if that's a good way to start the book or not. and since i'm out of school, i can work on it more. Well, wish me luck on my way to fame and fortune. lol. i hope so. . . .

An Update on Behind the Knife

i moved this from my old blog, so it's kind of old. just stick with me and it will be fun
<3 Kalyn

so, i've been working hard and since i'm out of school, i've had tons of time. i'm almost done with behind the knife. i'm getting uber close and it's getting to the epic end! the end will be uber gory and violent, so if u have a weak stomach, maybe u shouldn't read the end. but i plan to kill everyone off, including the main character. there is no way that i will change my mind. i am kinda into the bad guy winning right now, which explains my books crow and owl too. so, check out for me:) thanx

Horror Loverz Gather Round!! STORY TIME!!

For this blog I have decided that it will be focused on my horror stories as well as other things that are hiding in a dark corner. I will be putting up updates on my books, my random ideas and all that.
These are: My Horror Stories(finished or in the works: * finished, ~ working on it, ^ finished but still working on it, @ haven't even started, # pushed off to the side for a while):
Behind the Knife*
Behind the Scalpel~
A Demon's Tale of Life Before Death#
A Lich's Tale of Life After Death#
A Knight's Tale of Death Before Death#
Saved by the Bell*

The one with the star beside it I will put up here, but you can also find it at

It is the beginning to a big series(well, trilogy) and I plan to look at it more when I mention it again in the first book. I'm very excited for it! But for now it has been pushed to the side as of 5-27-11.

And for the first two books, Behind the Knife and Behind the Needle(now changed to Behind the Scalpel), I finished Behind the Knife and now i'm writing a sequal: Behind the Scalpel. It is a sequal with a maybe little prequal action, not sure yet. I had it as a prequal, but then I got the idea for the sequal so I'm just gonna add prequal stuff into the sequal. It will be awesome!! I promise. That's it for now.

<3 Kalyn:)

PS Behind the Scalpel has the big possibility of being even more gorier then the first. certainly NOT for the squimish, but it is good. NOW, i'm done:)